Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Bounded Recovery in Oracle Goldengate

Bounded Recovery

Bounded Recovery is a component of the general Extract checkpointing facility. It guarantees an efficient recovery after Extract stops for any reason, planned or unplanned, no matter how many open (uncommitted) transactions there were at the time that Extract stopped, nor how old they were. Bounded Recovery sets an upper boundary for the maximum amount of time that it would take for Extract to recover to the point where it stopped and then resume normal processing.

Caution: Before changing this parameter from its default settings, contact Oracle Support for guidance. Most production environments will not require changes to this parameter. You can, however, specify the directory for the Bounded Recovery checkpoint files without assistance.

How Extract Recovers Open Transactions

When Extract encounters the start of a transaction in the redo log (in Oracle, this is the first executable SQL statement) it starts caching to memory all of the data that is specified to be captured for that transaction. Extract must cache a transaction even if it contains no captured data, because future operations of that transaction might contain data that is to be captured.

When Extract encounters a commit record for a transaction, it writes the entire cached transaction to the trail and clears it from memory. When Extract encounters a rollback record for a transaction, it discards the entire transaction from memory. Until Extract processes a commit or rollback, the transaction is considered open and its information continues to be collected.

If Extract stops before it encounters a commit or rollback record for a transaction, all of the cached information must be recovered when Extract starts again. This applies to all transactions that were open at the time that Extract stopped.

Extract performs this recovery as follows:

If there were no open transactions when Extract stopped, the recovery begins at the current Extract read checkpoint. This is a normal recovery.

If there were open transactions whose start points in the log were very close in time to the time when Extract stopped, Extract begins recovery by re-reading the logs from the beginning of the oldest open transaction. This requires Extract to do redundant work for transactions that were already written to the trail or discarded before Extract stopped, but that work is an acceptable cost given the relatively small amount of data to process. This also is considered a normal recovery.

If there were one or more transactions that Extract qualified as long-running open transactions, Extract begins its recovery with a Bounded Recovery.

How Bounded Recovery Works

A transaction qualifies as long-running if it has been open longer than one Bounded Recovery interval, which is specified with the BRINTERVAL option of the BR parameter. For example, if the Bounded Recovery interval is four hours, a long-running open transaction is any transaction that started more than four hours ago.

At each Bounded Recovery interval, Extract makes a Bounded Recovery checkpoint, which persists the current state and data of Extract to disk, including the state and data (if any) of long-running transactions. If Extract stops after a Bounded Recovery checkpoint, it will recover from a position within the previous Bounded Recovery interval or at the last Bounded Recovery checkpoint, instead of processing from the log position where the oldest open long-running transaction first appeared.

The maximum Bounded Recovery time (maximum time for Extract to recover to where it stopped) is never more than twice the current Bounded Recovery checkpoint interval. The actual recovery time will be a factor of the following:

# the time from the last valid Bounded Recovery interval to when Extract stopped.

# the utilization of Extract in that period.

# the percent of utilization for transactions that were previously written to the trail. Bounded Recovery processes these transactions much faster (by discarding them) than Extract did when it first had to perform the disk writes. This constitutes most of the reprocessing that occurs for transactional data.

When Extract recovers, it restores the persisted data and state that were saved at the last Bounded Recovery checkpoint (including that of any long running transactions).

For example, suppose a transaction has been open for 24 hours, and suppose the Bounded Recovery interval is four hours. In this case, the maximum recovery time will be no longer than eight hours worth of Extract processing time, and is likely to be less. It depends on when Extract stopped relative to the last valid Bounded Recovery checkpoint, as well as Extract activity during that time.

Advantages of Bounded Recovery

The use of disk persistence to store and then recover long-running transactions enables Extract to manage a situation that rarely arises but would otherwise significantly (adversely) affect performance if it occurred. The beginning of a long-running transaction is often very far back in time from the place in the log where Extract was processing when it stopped. A long-running transaction can span numerous old logs, some of which might no longer reside on accessible storage or might even have been deleted. Not only would it take an unacceptable amount of time to read the logs again from the start of a long-running transaction but, since long-running transactions are rare, most of that work would be the redundant capture of other transactions that were already written to the trail or discarded. Being able to restore the state and data of persisted long-running transactions eliminates that work.

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