Thursday, 13 December 2018

CELL-01548: Error in Exadata Cell Storage Server

The reason for error CELL-01548 is that diskgroup DATA1 is still mounted, hence you get the message CELL-01548: Unable to shut down CELLSRV because disk group DATA1 may be forced to dismount due to reduced redundancy


           [root@cell ~]# cellcli
CellCLI: Release - Production on Thu Dec 13 16:36:20 IST 2018

Copyright (c) 2007, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Cell Efficiency Ratio: 1

CellCLI> alter cell shutdown services all

Stopping the RS, CELLSRV, and MS services...
The SHUTDOWN of ALL services was not successful.
CELL-01548: Unable to shut down CELLSRV because disk group DATA1 may be forced to dismount due to reduced redundancy.
Getting the state of CELLSRV services...  running
Getting the state of MS services...  running
Getting the state of RS services...  running

After i dismounted the diskgroup with command SQL> Alter diskgroup data1 dismount;, i was able to shutdown the cell services

       [root@cell ~]# cellcli
CellCLI: Release - Production on Thu Dec 13 16:41:22 IST 2018

Copyright (c) 2007, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Cell Efficiency Ratio: 1

CellCLI>  alter cell shutdown services all

Stopping the RS, CELLSRV, and MS services...
The SHUTDOWN of services was successful.



CELLSRV in Exadata

Being an Exadata guy, many times i had been asked what CELLSRV is and what it does and how it is invoked ? Cell Server (CELLSRV) services iDB requests for disk I/O and advanced Oracle Exadata Storage Server services, such as predicate processing offload. CELLSRV is implemented as a multithreaded process and should be expected to use the largest portion of processor cycles on a storage cell. Cellsrv is launched by cellrsomt by executable /opt/oracle/cell12. Lets see how it works, in below output process id 3673 is parent of cellsrv (3682) and hence proved 3673 is cellrsomt which actually launched cellsrv


       [root@cell ~]# ps -ef |grep "/cellsrv "
root      3682  3673  2 13:25 ?        00:02:39 /opt/oracle/cell12. 100 5000 9 5042
root      6983  6437  0 14:54 pts/0    00:00:00 grep /cellsrv
[root@cell ~]#
[root@cell ~]# ps -ef |grep 3673
root      3673  3665  0 13:25 ?        00:00:06 /opt/oracle/cell12. -rs_conf /opt/oracle/cell12. -ms_conf /opt/oracle/cell12. -cellsrv_conf /opt/oracle/cell12. -debug 0
root      3682  3673  2 13:25 ?        00:02:40 /opt/oracle/cell12. 100 5000 9 5042
root      6986  6437  0 14:54 pts/0    00:00:00 grep 3673
[root@cell ~]#


I/O Resource Management Profiles in Exadata

I/O Resource Management (IORM) interdatabase plans support profiles to ease management, and configuration of interdatabase plans for hundreds of databases.
Profiles introduce a way to allocate I/O resources for a database. This is done using the database initialization parameter db_performance_profile. Database administrators can classify different databases as, GOLDSILVERBRONZE, by setting the db_performance_profile parameter. As with Oracle Database Resource Manager plans, the db_performance_profile information is automatically pushed to all the storage servers (cells). The following SQL command displays how the profile parameter can be set for a database:
SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET db_performance_profile=gold SCOPE=spfile;
Profiles are specified as directives for the interdatabase plan, and are configured using the CellCLIutility. A profile directive consists of an identifier (name), and a set of attributes. To differentiate between a database directive and a profile directive, a qualifier attribute called type is used. The type attribute can be set to either database or profile. The following is an example of the type attribute syntax:
CellCLI> ALTER IORMPLAN DBPLAN=((name=gold, share=10, limit=100, type=profile),  \
(name=silver, share=5, limit=60, type=profile), (name=bronze, share=1, limit=20, \


METRIC DEFINITION About GRIDDISK in Exadata can be found from command line of cellcli as below



Exadata Cell Server CL_CPUT DETAIL

CL_CPUT DETAIL is the Percentage of time over the previous minute that the system CPUs were not idle, as can be seen from below snapshot