Thursday 13 December 2018

I/O Resource Management Profiles in Exadata

I/O Resource Management (IORM) interdatabase plans support profiles to ease management, and configuration of interdatabase plans for hundreds of databases.
Profiles introduce a way to allocate I/O resources for a database. This is done using the database initialization parameter db_performance_profile. Database administrators can classify different databases as, GOLDSILVERBRONZE, by setting the db_performance_profile parameter. As with Oracle Database Resource Manager plans, the db_performance_profile information is automatically pushed to all the storage servers (cells). The following SQL command displays how the profile parameter can be set for a database:
SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET db_performance_profile=gold SCOPE=spfile;
Profiles are specified as directives for the interdatabase plan, and are configured using the CellCLIutility. A profile directive consists of an identifier (name), and a set of attributes. To differentiate between a database directive and a profile directive, a qualifier attribute called type is used. The type attribute can be set to either database or profile. The following is an example of the type attribute syntax:
CellCLI> ALTER IORMPLAN DBPLAN=((name=gold, share=10, limit=100, type=profile),  \
(name=silver, share=5, limit=60, type=profile), (name=bronze, share=1, limit=20, \

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