Monday 31 August 2015

Important points related to Multitenant Architecture Oracle 12C

Important points related to Multitenant Architecture Oracle 12C

# Undo tablespace is common for all containers.

# A common temporary tablespace is required for all containers however each PDB can have its own temporay tablespace for its application users

# Redo log files is common for all containers.

# Each Datafile is specific to a single container represented by a con_id

# Control files are common for all containers.

# Regarding archivelog mode or non archivemode, all the PDBs in a CDB share the archivelog mode of the CDB.

# Now each container has its own dictionary that means each container has its own system tablespace now and a sysaux tablespace also.

# There is a limit of 253 PDBs in a CDB including the seed

# Limit of 512 services in a CDB

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